Specialty Rug Cleaning

Professional Rug Cleaning in Burlington, WI and Surrounding Areas

Need your rugs cleaned? We offer specialty rug cleaning services. From restoring priceless Oriental and Tibetan rugs, to cleaning dust from wool runners, our highly-trained technicians can handle any job you throw at them!

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Professional Area Rug Cleaning

Cream City Carpet Cleaning offers a variety of deep cleaning services including professional rug cleaning. Our highly trained cleaning technicians are educated on different techniques for all types of area rugs, from the everyday wool rugs, to antique and unique oriental rugs. Oriental rug cleaning, Persian rug cleaning and Tibetan rug cleaning require a higher level of care and precision. There is a very specific and delicate process necessary. The cleaning solutions have to be mixed just right to achieve the right pH balance, and the equipment used is just as important. You will want to hire a true professional for the job when it comes to these high value investment specialty rugs.

Stain Removal for Specialty Rugs

So you spilled your coffee, or tracked oil or grease in from the garage, or your kid spilled their grape juice on your area rug? Don’t panic just yet – Contact the professionals at Cream City Carpet Cleaning. The sooner you contact our expert cleaners, the better the odds we will be able to completely eradicate the stain.

When it comes to your specialty rugs, stain removal is just as intricate as the general cleaning process can be. Oriental rugs, Persian rugs, Tibetan rugs, and other valuable rug types require different solutions specified to their specific fabric and material types. Some rugs can only handle a certain amount of liquid, while other types such as silk rugs can only be dry cleaned. Many types of specialty area rugs require specific cleaning products, and general carpet cleaners won’t do the trick or can be damaging. Our expert carpet cleaning crew is very knowledgeable and has experience with a variety of different types of rugs and materials so you can trust that we will use the most safe, efficient and effective method for all the floor types and rug types throughout your home.

Contact Cream City Carpet Cleaners for a free quote for Specialty Rug Cleaning Services today.